
Ways To Find Tenants For Your Commercial Space

You must locate renters if you own a business property you don't intend to occupy yourself. The ideal situation is to locate tenants who will be content to remain for many years, providing you with a steady income stream. Therefore, saving you the hassle of looking for new tenants. Still, it's not always simple to find the ideal tenants. You cannot wait around for them to find you. Instead, you must...

Commercial Leases vs. Residential Leases

Although both commercial and residential leases are written agreements for the use of real estate property and have some similarities, there are also several significant differences. You should know the distinctions between a residential rental agreement and a business lease if you work in one or both sectors of the real estate industry. What is Commercial Lease? A commercial lease is an agreement...

5 Basic Things You Should Know About Tenant Improvements

Tenant improvements are essential to ensure that your office space meets your needs and is necessary to your brand. When it comes to leasing space for your company and employees, it's critical to understand what a TI is and what types of upgrades you may expect. It's difficult to come across a medical office space that is both ready to move into and perfectly suited to your company's needs. As a...

Modified Gross Lease vs Triple Net (NNN)

Real estate leasing agreements come in two types: modified gross and triple net leases. These two forms of leases are widely employed when renting a commercial space. They each have their method of dividing costs between the renter and the landlord. You should be aware of these two terms before signing a lease agreement. Everything you need to know about modified gross leases and triple net leases...

What is an Engagement Letter?

If you're a newcomer to the real estate industry, you'll frequently come across terminology like real estate contracts and engagement letters. What exactly do these terms imply, and how do they function? Let's start with a basic understanding of real estate contracts before moving on to the agreement letter. A real estate contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties...

Single vs. Double vs. Triple Net Leases

Commercial net leases work differently than residential leases. In residential leases, landlords must pay all ownership expenses and maintenance costs. On the other hand, tenants are responsible for paying only a fixed monthly rent, covering all the costs of using the property. Residential leases also provide that the renter must keep the premises tidy and in the same condition as when the tenant first...

Essentials of Lease Agreement

A lease agreement might be for a residential or commercial property. Before going over the elements of a lease agreement, it's essential to understand the most commonly used words in the real estate industry. What exactly is a lease agreement? Lease Agreement A lease agreement is a contract between two parties, the lessor and the lessee, in which the lessor allows the lessee to use his property for...

Difference Between a Lease and a Rental Agreement

A lease and a rental agreement are the most commonly used terms in the real estate sector. Both are very similar but have a huge difference. To understand those differences, let's first clarify what a lease and rental agreement are. LEASE AGREEMENT A lease agreement is a contract between a lessor and a lessee that covers the rental of property for an extended period, usually 12 months or longer. The...

Load Factor Vs Loss Factor

Commercial real estate and real estate will be growing industries in 2022. Commercial real estate is expected to grow further at a CAGR of approx. 13% During the forecast of2022-2027. Post-pandemic downfall in the real estate industry due to work-from-home guidelines. But now, the industry is booming again. Commercial real estate refers to properties solely used for commercial purposes and as...

5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Commercial Lease

Searching for a commercial property can be daunting, and often ask yourself, where do I start? How do I know if I'm getting a good deal? Whether you are looking for a leasing medical office space, industrial building, retail space, or office suite, the process is generally the same. Below we will outline 5 easy ways to save money on your commercial lease.   What are the different ways to save...

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