Top 5 Medical Office Building Trends

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Top Medical Office Building Trends

In 2022, many healthcare professionals will consider relocating their offices. Healthcare facilities, like other offices, should be welcoming to visitors and staff and effective at facilitating equipment, staff, and patients. Many medical practices may wish to invest in remodelling their current buildings or finding new medical office space for rent to accommodate the new healthcare environment as COVID-19 is transforming the healthcare business. 

We’ve highlighted a few medical office design trends to take into account.

Medical Office Real Estate Trends 2022

1. More Physical And Virtual Experiences Are Desired By Patients

If there is one thing we can take away from 2020, it is that healthcare must be delivered physically and virtually. The COVID-19 initiative has influenced the drive for more telehealth consultations and increased the focus on technology for better patient experiences. Medical office buildings must improve the patient experience, offer all necessary services and equipment, and designate a location where healthcare professionals may remotely assist patients.

2. More Entertainment Should Be Included

Everyone despises standing in line, and patients frequently experience anxiety while they wait to be called back into the doctor’s office. Many medical offices include amusement in their practices to reduce patients’ aggravation while they wait.

3. Dental Office Open Floor Plans

More open floor plans are one trend seen in the dental sector. More open, roomy treatment facilities are replacing closed-off, private booths. These adjustments widen the workspace and make it lighter and less cramped. Dental offices have had great success with this, and we anticipate that other medical sectors will follow.

4. Concierge Healthcare Services Should Be Prioritized

Practices offering more concierge healthcare are another trend we observe in the medical sector. These healthcare services include access after hours, more spacious and opulent waiting areas, and insurance support. The offices of practices that switch to this model will need to be modified. This can include improving patient waiting areas, redesigning rooms, designing quiet rooms, and updating technology.

Healthcare Interior Design Trends To Watch

5. Use Plaza Companies To Secure Your Next Medical Office

We have the skills and portfolio to work with your medical practice to identify the ideal location for you as one of Arizona’s leading real estate firms. We take great pride in our nearly 40 years of experience and look forward to helping our upcoming medical clientele with their real estate needs. Get in touch with Plaza Companies immediately to learn more about our offerings and how we can help you.

Construction of a medical office building requires more than just building a structure. It calls for knowledge of current health and social trends, requirements for the healthcare system and its providers, and patient experiences. Working with a skilled healthcare developer and builder guarantees that your medical office building satisfies the community’s and patient’s unique demands and the doctors’ aims for care.

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